The Association of Christian Media in 2019

Julie 7, 2019

What is the Association of Christian Media

The ACM is a non-profit network of Christian media organisations that share a vision of reaching people with the Gospel. It is a platform for those involved in Christian media to pool resources, expertise and ideas for the purpose of uplifting each other. The ACM offers its members the unique chance to support and be supported by each other.

The ACM was founded in 1994, for the purpose of supporting Christian Broadcasters. Last year the name (formerly the Association of Christian Broadcasters) was changed to reflect a growing number of print and electronic media members and also to accommodate the vision to include Christian individuals who work in secular media and church media departments. The ACM currently has over 60 members.

Radio Tygerberg 104fm is a proud member of the ACM.

Dave Hotchkiss (Sarepta Radio Consulting), Darius Koekemoer (TBN Africa) , Valerie Govender (Focus on the Family Africa), Kedibone Rayner (Radio Kansel), Rikus van Rooy (104fm) and Nurden Cross (CCFM) (Chairperson).